All About Mining

Wishing you all Happy Holidays and especially a Happy, Healthy New Year.

As 2019 comes to a close, we at the CMAEF are thankful for the good things that have come our way this year. Our supporters have been loyal and generous to us, our teachers / students have been grateful and pleased with their mining experience, and our board members have been creative and persistent in keeping the All About Mining class as good as it can be. 2020 promises to be a busy and productive year, as we have some goals to obtain.

Remember, you can support us so easily by using and choose Colorado Mining Association Education Foundation as your charity. Amazon donates a small portion of your purchases directly to CMAEF, which we use to bring All About Mining to K-12 educators.

If you would like to know more about us, or get involved in our exciting educational mission, please contact me by email.

Shannon Mann, Course Coordinator – Colorado Mining Association Education Foundation