CMA’s Water Quality Committee meets yearly with the Colorado Water Quality Control Division to discuss water quality issues affecting mining in Colorado, as well as emerging issues we both see coming from EPA in the form of future regulations or standards. This year’s meeting will occur on Tuesday, August 17 via Zoom.
CMA’s Water Quality Committee meets monthly and is chaired by Chantell Johnson of Tri-State Generation and Transmission. This yearly meeting has been traditionally well attended and this year we will present the meeting via Zoom. A list of discussion items can be found here.
As an association we believe one of the most important roles we serve is to provide to members with the opportunity to engage directly with state legislators and regulators. Many water quality issues transcend industries and local government operations, but some are unique to mining.
On September 28, the Committee will hear from Caitlin McHale, Assistant General Counsel who will update CMA members on federal water quality issues. This will be an interesting discussion particularly in terms of the fate of the 2020 WOTUS rule and the Biden administration’s interest in revising it. CMA members are well aware that the State of Colorado strenuously objects to the “Trump” rule and proposes to develop its own dredge and fill program.
We encourage members to attend these special meetings, we are pleased to present them.