January 19, 2021
DRMS Update: The Division of Reclamation, Mining, and Safety reported to the CMA committee members updates about the Department of Natural Resources, and the Division. Russ Means updated the Committee about the stakeholder process the Division is now conducting in an effort to hear concerns and potential contributions made by stakeholders concerning the Division’s proposed updates to hardrock rules. The rules cover temporary cessation and the implementation of House Bill 1113 enacted in 2019 requiring the establishment of a “reasonably foreseeable” end date for water quality treatment.
The Division indicated the schedule for final rule adoption could be past the March hearing date the Division had originally considered.
TENORM Guidance Meetings – CDPHE: CDPHE is conducting bi-weekly meetings to answer questions posed by entities covered by the Department’s new TENORM regulations. Committee members asked that CMA monitor the process.
Legislative Report: Dianna Orf presented a legislative report covering a number of bills to be debated in the 2021 legislative session.