April 19, 2022
- DRMS Update
Ginny Brannon described the Division’s meeting with Glenwood Springs about an underground coal mine fire only one mile West of the city and discussed improving roads for the purpose of doing investigative work and characterizing the fire as well as continuing monitoring and mitigation efforts.
Jim Stark covered a program to hammer out the MOU with the Colorado historic preservation office; a process that began in 2014. State historians are requesting archaeological and historic property studies for any area that’s going to be undermined even if there is no expectation of subsidence. The Division hopes to have this completed by the end of the year.
The Division updated the Committee about bonding costs.
Discussion occurred about the status of the Division’s office space and possibility of in-person MLRB meetings.
Stan encouraged the Committee members to register for the CMA conference and discussed how DRMS would be involved in the conference.
- DRMS Hardrock Rulemaking
CMA is a party to the rulemaking. We have a subcommittee of interested operators who are participating in developing our positions and responding to not just the staff’s proposal but potentially other parties’ proposals and alternative rule language. DRMS Hardrock Rulemaking Webpage
- Air Quality Update
Howard Gephardt provided an update on the following air quality topics:
- Survey – Clean Truck Enterprise
- Denver Front Range Ozone Redesignation to Severe – EPA Notice
- Air Quality Enterprise