Coal, Hardrock, and Uranium Committee Meeting Summary: October 2021

October 19, 2021

DRMS Report

Russ Means – Hardrock rulemaking finalized draft in December, late January or early February stakeholder meeting, and possible informal stakeholder meeting, spring rulemaking.

Hybrid MLRB meetings

Mined Land Reclamation Board appointees and remaining members will receive their Board training and refresher training on the 20th.

DRMS is addressing a sinkhole at St. Mary’s High School in Colorado Springs.

Legislative Report 

Recreational Use Statute – recreation community wants to amend current statute to address recent closures of several fourteeners. CMA is participating on workgroup but encouraged members to review bill as property owners and leases.

Headwaters Bill – Water Resource Interim Committee – Bill Draft

Members expressed concern about the bill which may be further explained at next Committee date.

Anticipated 2022 Legislative Issues


Land Use – Denser Housing – Zoning by Local Governments

Omnibus Air Quality Bill that may include employer transportation and professional, full time air quality control Commission membership.

Stan Dempsey discussed Employer Trip Reduction Program options and opportunities.

Ongoing development of benchmarking of building emissions at Colorado Energy Office

Stan mentioned the Majority Leader’s website regarding air quality.

Discussed revisions to Colorado Recreational Use statute.

Regulatory Issues

Howard Gebhardt – Reported on the Modelling Report by Colorado Attorney General and its implications for future minor source modeling.

Dredge and Fill – CDPHE October 27 Presentation to Water Resource Committee CDPHE Presentation

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership Presentation