Coal, Hardrock, and Uranium Committee Meeting Summary: September 2022

August 16, 2022

DRMS Report: Jim Stark reported on the visit with a group from the Republic of Georgia regarding mining. Jim also reported far fewer individuals are applying for jobs at DRMS.

Russ Means mentioned the comments CMA is filing regrading the Metal Mining Stormwater permit. DRMS has had some informal comments with the Division regarding the scope of the general permit.

Regulatory Update

Chantell Johnson, Water Quality Chair, reviewed the Metal Mining Stormwater permit and the process for preparing comments.

Air Quality Control Commission Clean Heat Rulemaking – Stan described the upcoming rulemaking process for the Commission’s rulemaking process, which includes adoption of a protocol for counting coal methane emissions into a clean heat program. Stan told the Committee that Xcel Energy wishes to partner with a coal mine methane collection project.

Water Quality rulemakings

Regional Haze update

Environmental Justice

Trisha Oeth is the new Director of Environmental Programs. Invite at future meeting.

Legislative Update

Produced water from oil and gas

Tax Policy Committee – Review of severance tax policy issues, hopefully no action taken.

Potential statute or rule adopting an indirect air pollution rule.

Executive Order Update

Update on Governor Polis’ Executive Order – CMA clarified with the Governor’s office that the order pertains only to professional licensing conducted by the Department of Regulatory Agencies and Department of Revenue.

Stan surveyed the committee to see if we remain meeting via zoom, members did not express an interest in meeting in person.