Coal, Hardrock and Uranium Committee Meeting Summary

Technological Enhanced Radioactive Materials (TENORM)

Steve Brown, Chair of the CMA Uranium Committee, informed the committees that he had been retained by COGA to review the report drafted by Rule Engineering for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment pursuant to legislation passed last year. Steve offered the following commentary about the report as it pertains to mining:

  • The report covers mining briefly
  • The report uses the word “by-product”, a word defined in the federal atomic act but is used broadly to describe waste rock at non-uranium sites. CMA will discuss whether to note this issue to the Department.
  • CMA will collect comments on the draft report to submit to CDPHE by April 19. Information about the TENORM Stakeholder process and draft report can be found here:

Defend Colorado Petition for Expedited Public Hearing and Request for Declartory Hearing

An organization named Defend Colorado petitioned the Air Quality Control Commission asking that the Commission initiate a demonstration that the Denver/Northern Front Range would meet the 2008 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) but for the contribution of international emissions and exceptional events. CMA sent a letter supporting the petition.

The Air Quality Control Division opposed holding the hearing initiating the process citing Governor Polis’s opposition to even preparing the analysis. CMA members discussed the issue and noted the Governor’s aggressive approach in instructing the Commission how to vote.

View the Petition and APCD reply

View the CMA Response

Legislative Updates

Dianna Orf provided a legislative report that covered:

House Bill 1193–Hardrock Bonding. The bill has been sent to the Governor, improved with minor amendments. CMA will monitor its implementation.

Discussion on Senate Bill 96 which requires increased greenhouse gas reporting and an anticipated comprehensive bill setting greenhouse emission reduction goals and granting of authority to AQCC to promulgate regulations (House Bill 1261 introduced following meeting).

The Air Quality Control Commission will have a briefing on coal mine methane emissions in April.