Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety
- Changes to equipment utilization rates still being studied. DRMS is doing a survey in Colorado to understand similarities with the national utilization rates from Equipment Watch Cost Reference Guide.
- DRMS is planning to present issues and process at November MLRB meeting.
DRMS is moving forward with revisions to the MLRB Hard Rock, Metal, and Designated Mining Operations regulations. Draft will be presented to MLRB in November hearing for approval to proceed with stakeholder review process. DRMS will send to CMA after MLRB approves, and will be out for public notice in early 2019. Mostly administrative changes:
- Elimination of dual oversight of custom milling operations by CDPHE and DRMS. Move all oversight to DRMS.
- Electronic submittals for annual reports
- DMO release process currently in both Sections 4 and 7. Would like to consolidate.
- Looking at potential to include a time limit for prospecting NOIs to remain open if no activity is taking place, with allowance to extend if needed.
Ginny Brannon is working on transition document for new administration. As part of normal process, all executive directors will submit resignation, and can then reapply under the new administration.
Hardrock Bonding Bill
View the legislative report for details.
TENORM Regulations
- Large volume mining waste is excluded, however still questions around equipment that comes in contact with mining waste.
- Discussed potential for CMA to meet with CDPHE and their consultant (RULE) to bring forward concerns from mining, since formal stakeholder process has been put on hold.
APCD Permit Efficiency Process.
- CMA is requesting participation from members in the stakeholder process to assure that concerns for mining are considered. Right now, oil and gas are primarily driving the discussion.