Coal, Hardrock, and Uranium committee update

February 18, 2020

Russ Means, Minerals Program Manager of the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety opened the meeting describing the upcoming Hardrock Rulemaking and outlined issues associated with Temporary Cessation and Water Quality.

Stan Dempsey asked the Division about potential regulations being considered by Park County in response to a member inquiry. Ginny Brannon and Russ Means indicated they were familiar with the County’s interest.

Jim Stark described the Division’s response to the State Auditor’s and Legislative Audit Committee directive to survey and collect production data from mines paying severance tax. Colorado statutes (34-24-101) require the Division collect this information which hasn’t been done since 1981. Operators will receive requests from the Division to be completed so the Division can report production data to the Legislative Audit Committee and State Auditor by July.

Jim Stark stated DRMS would meet soon with the Water Quality Control Division regarding groundwater regulation that may result in changes to the MOU that exist on the subject between the two agencies. Jimmy Boswell, CMA Water Quality Chairman mentioned the upcoming WQCC rulemaking ground water.

Ginny Brannon informed the Committee the U.S. Supreme Court refused to grant certiorari in New Mexico’s efforts to sue the State of Colorado over the Gold King spill.

Dianna Orf reviewed legislation of interest to CMA members.