July 21, 2020
DRMS Update
Ginny Brannon previewed the July Mined Land Reclamation Board meeting that will be held over the next two days. The hearing will consider two important topics, the consideration of the permits at the Sunday mine complex and a cessation order issued to Mountain Coal Company. Ginny also noted the Board has explored various means to hold hearings involving multiple parties.
Division personnel continue to work at home, a practice likely to last at least until the end of the year.
Jim Stark updated the Committee about the status of the coal rulemaking package the Board has considered.
Russ Means indicated the Hardrock rulemaking stakeholder activity will pick up in terms of meetings going forward.
Stan Dempsey asked DRMS about the status of the production reports the Division was to conduct at the request of the State Auditor. That work has been completed.
Regulatory Updates
The Committee was updated about the newest draft of the proposed TENORM regulations. While the new draft clarifies that uranium is excluded from the definition of TENORM as well as statutory exclusions for fly-ash, CMA is disappointed the Division did provide a broad exclusion for onsite activities. The Committee listed several topics for future discussion with the Division.
AQCC Greenhouse Gas Subcommittee
Dianna Orf described the Air Quality Control Commission’s Greenhouse Gas Subcommittee responsible for outlining future rulemakings implementing greenhouse gas reduction strategies. The strategies discussed by the Subcommittee cover all segments of Colorado’s economy including transportation.
Colorado Dredge and Fill Legislation
Water Quality Committee Chairman Jimmy Boswell described a stakeholder call convened by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment regarding its proposed “Dredge and Fill” legislation. The Department feels strongly that it must take action to “fill the gaps” of undefined waters left out of the updated WOTUS rule recently promulgated.
Jimmy also updated the Committee about the following topics:
- Water Quality Forum
- WQCD Roadmap Meeting
- PFAS Narrative Policy