Our new online course is now LIVE!
It’s almost springtime, the vaccine is getting out and with any luck, people may get back to their regular lives. Meanwhile, we at CMAEF have an exciting announcement to make. We are live with our new online, K-12 teachers’ course that was developed in partnership with the Nevada Mining Association and Nevada Division of Minerals. Mining for a STEAM Education is its name and you can check it out at: https://allaboutmining.org/classes/mining-for-a-steam-education.
What is Mining for a STEAM Education? It is a professional development course to guide K-12 educators through the mining cycle with a focus on STEAM concepts. STEAM represents educational concepts that focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. STEAM-engaged students explore scientific concepts collaboratively through inquiry and problem-based learning methods throughout a creative process. The course consists of 15.5 hours of online content, plus a one-hour virtual in-person session. All are welcome to view the videos at their own pace, but in order to earn the education credit, teachers must have completed the series, including the quizzes, insights and lesson plans by the scheduled time of the one-hour virtual session. Teachers who complete the course will earn a .5 continuing education credit (CEU) from Colorado School of Mines. More information is available on our website, www.allaboutmining.org.
Remember you can support us so easily by using Amazon.smile.com or choose Colorado Mining Association Education Foundation as your charity. Amazon donates a small portion of your purchases directly to CMAEF, which we use to bring All About Mining / Mining for a STEAM Education to K-12 educators.
If you would like to know more about us, or get involved in our exciting educational mission, please contact me by email.
Shannon Mann
Course Coordinator
Amazon.smile.com – Colorado Mining Association Education Foundation