Wishing all our friends and colleagues in the mining industry a healthy and successful New Year!
As we all pull into 2021, it is my hope that we can reach more teachers than ever with our courses, terrific online content and educational resources, and truly make a difference.
We always ask that if you know a teacher, encourage them to take a look at allaboutmining.org to see what we can offer. We have many educational videos they can view at no charge, and if they are looking for continuing education credits, we offer that option as well.
Remember you can support us so easily by using Amazon.smile.com or choose Colorado Mining Association Education Foundation as your charity. Amazon donates a small portion of your purchases directly to CMAEF, which we use to bring All About Mining to K-12 educators.
If you would like to know more about us, or get involved in our exciting educational mission, please contact me by email.
Shannon Mann
Course Coordinator
Amazon.smile.com – Colorado Mining Association Education Foundation