As 2020 comes to a close, we are reminded it has been a very unusual year, one we hope not to duplicate in 2021. We have been fortunate this year to forge an alliance with the Nevada Mining Association’s education group through which we continue to assemble online content for teachers to learn about the minerals industry. We all hope to go back to “business as usual” in the summer, but we will soon have some options for teachers that were previously unavailable. CMAEF has also been fortunate once again for its friends and supporters, as without them we would not be able to move forward.
A big thank you goes out to all of you who participated in our Colorado Gives request! Those of you who would still like to donate, please do so here. Or if it suits your style better, you can support us so easily by using and choosing Colorado Mining Association Education Foundation as your charity. Amazon donates a small portion of your purchases directly to CMAEF, which we use to bring All About Mining to K-12 educators.
If you would like to know more about us or get involved in our exciting educational mission, please contact me by email.
Shannon Mann
Course Coordinator – Colorado Mining Association Education Foundation