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Legislative report: Keeping up with Zoom!

In this new world of virtual reality for organization meetings, regulatory hearings, and stakeholder meetings it is easy to become glued to the screen....

Coal, Hardrock, and Uranium Committee meeting summary

June 16, 2020 DRMS UPDATEGinny Brannon, Division Director, began the update by describing budget cuts the Division has experienced including those affecting the abandoned mine...

CMA Water Quality Committee summary

June 16, 2020 Chairman Jimmy Boswell asked Dianna Orf, CMA Lobbyist to update the committee about Draft Colorado WOTUS/Dredge and Fill Legislation the Colorado Department...

Legislative report: Lawmakers racing toward the finish line

After a couple of delayed starts, the legislature reconvened on May 26 with large ambitions and a small window of opportunity to complete its...

CMA Water Quality Committee summary

May 19, 2020 The Committee discussed water quality legislative and regulatory issues. Dianna Orf described the ongoing legislative dialogue regarding per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) which...

Legislative report

They're Coming Back, but for How Long? The Colorado General Assembly adjourned temporarily on March 14 due to a declared state of public health emergency...

Legislative report

Frozen in Place On March 14 the legislature adjourned temporarily as it awaited a decision from the Colorado Supreme Court regarding future scheduling. The impetus for the...

Legislative report

Taxes, taxes, taxes! CMA has focused much of its efforts in the past month on preserving tax exemptions and credits for the mining industry. HB 20-1025...

Legislative report

Bills raining down (like the snow outside the window) We are one quarter of the way through the legislative session and the legislature has introduced 472...

Coal, Hardrock, and Uranium Committee meeting summary

DRMS Update Department of Natural Resources is making several personnel changes including narrowing of the Assistant Director for Energy and Minerals.Russ Means stated that the first...