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Coal, Hardrock, and Uranium committee update

February 18, 2020 Russ Means, Minerals Program Manager of the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety opened the meeting describing the upcoming Hardrock Rulemaking...

Coal, Hardrock, and Uranium committee update

January 21, 2020 Ginny Brannon, Jim Stark and Russ Means provided a report of DRMS regulatory activities including reminding the Committee of the upcoming scoping meeting covering...

CMA Coal, Hardrock, and Uranium Committee meeting summary

DRMS Update: Jim Stark and Russ Means presented the following points: DNR was questioned at its Joint Budget Committee hearing about the statutory tax exemption for coal...

Coal, Hardrock, and Uranium Committee meeting summary

DRMS Update Department of Natural Resources is making several personnel changes including narrowing of the Assistant Director for Energy and Minerals.Russ Means stated that the first...

Coal, Hardrock, and Uranium committee meeting summary

DRMS Update Russ Means provided the update from the Division of Reclamation, Mining, and Safety focusing on the minerals program as Jim Stark representing the coal program...

Coal, Hardrock and Uranium Committee Update – October 2018

Office of Surface Mining and Enforcement, Western Region Dave Berry, Regional Director of the Office of Surface Mining and Enforcement, Western Region, updated the committee...