Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Nathan Moore and Andrew Sayers-Fay from the CDPHE’s Water Quality Control Division were the featured guests at this month’s meeting. Nathan is the Clean Water Program Manager within the WQCD and Andrew is the Clean Water Program Permits Section Manager.
CMA presented a list of issues to discuss with the Division:
WQCD Engagement – Special Meeting w/ CMA
- Introductions
- Approach to individual permits
- Risk-based mandate
- Communication
- Site Visits
- Permitting policies, guidance, and practices
- Reasonable potential
- Mining operations impact from permitting backlog
- Downstream segments (reasonable distance, downstream uses – water supply and agriculture)
- Chemical approvals
- WQCD update:
- Metal mining stormwater general permit
- High Mountain Mining case and coordination with DRMS
- EPA Performance Partnership Agreement
- Depending on time available, other topics:
- Inspections
- Monitoring
- Compliance schedule duration
- Next steps – future engagement
Other issues
- Federal
- State
- Legislative
We can provide more information about the meeting and the discussion, please contact the CMA office.