Coal, Hardrock, and Uranium Committee Meeting Summary: December 2021

December 21, 2021

Stan Dempsey recognized Laura Beverage as the recipient of the St. Barbara’s Day award.

DRMS Update

Ginny Brannon described the current office policies related to Covid-19.

Russ Means mentioned the Division’s physical mail address change, a notice has gone out via email.

The new mailing address for all DRMS offices:
Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety
Room 215, c/o: (Optional)
1001 E 62nd Avenue
Denver CO 80216

Russ described the Mine Land Reclamation Board’s December hearing regarding the Caribou and Cross mines. The Colorado Sun published an article about the enforcement case.

Stan and Dianna described draft legislation Representative Tim Geithner plans to introduce covering “conflict minerals.” CMA has not yet seen a draft of a bill.

Russ reiterated that a new draft of the Hardrock rulemaking rule will be available to stakeholders in January for review.

Legislative Report

Dianna Orf provided a legislative and regulatory report.

The following items were mentioned, many of which we don’t have a lot of detail on:

  1. Employee trip reduction
  2. Additional statutory climate change provisions
  3. Headwaters Bill
  4. Natural Rivers Protections
  5. CDPHE and DNR Budget
  6. Severance Tax

The Committee briefly discussed potential air quality fee increases as well as the creation of new fees.