September 20, 2022
Meeting Notes
DRMS Update — Ginny Brannon, Division Director reported on the status of infrastructure monies to be appropriated by the federal government and responding to a coal mine fire.
Ginny also reported that Division staff is in the office two days a week. Russ Means clarified that staff could meet with individuals by appointment.
Russ also reported that the U.S. District Court for Colorado ruled on a citizen suit filed by citizens against High Country stating that discharges
Chantell Johnson updated the DRMS regarding CMA comments field responding to the Metal Mining Stormwater General Permit. Discussion occurred about the impact the new permit requirement would have on who would be covered. Russ indicated that they would be discussing the changes with WQCD.
Application of numeric limits to stormwater discharges rather than best management practices.
2. Howard Gebhart updated the Committee about the revisions of the Air Pollution Control Division’s new modeling guidance policy released in late August. This guidance will apply to sources who obtain general permits for the first time.
Howard also mentioned the redesignation of the Denver-Northern front range to sever for ozone.
The Air Quality Control Commission is conducting a rulemaking to adopt additional permitting requirements for disproportionately affected communities.
The Air Quality Enterprise will allocate $500,000 to ozone research.
3. Legislative Activities — Stan and Dianna reviewed two bills being considered by legislative interim committees. A bill will be considered to repeal unused credits and exemptions related to oil shale, and pre-planned expenditures supporting local communities when major energy projects are developed.
A second bill that won’t go forward would clarify that produced water from mining and oil and gas operations could be put to “beneficial use”.
Dianna mentioned legislators are examining the idea of expanding sales tax policy to include computer software, and even sales tax on services.