2022 CMA/DRMS Excellence in Mine Health and Safety Awards Luncheon
The CMA/DRMS Reclamation and Safety Awards Luncheon is one of the most important elements of the CMA conference. In partnership with the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, CMA presents awards for both excellence in reclamation and safety. The safety awards are awarded for both mine and individual achievement such as introduction of an innovative safety device or recognition of years of service without injury. We also heard from Tim Mauck, Deputy Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources.
This year we were pleased to present the safety awards for the first time with Program Manager Brandon Neal. Bill York-Ferin presented the awards on behalf of the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety last year following his retirement from the department. The reclamation awards were presented by Michael Cunningham, Senior Environmental Protection Specialist with the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety
CMA also wants to express our congratulations to David Bieber for receiving the Division’s Dr. James A. Pendleton award. Dr. Pendleton was a Division scientist whom the Division named its own reclamation award for. David has been a friend of CMA for many years, and we want to recognize his accomplishments.
We are gratified to promote both safety and excellent reclamation practices in conjunction with the Division of Reclamation Mining and Safety, as well as the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board. The Board was briefed about the reclamation awards at its monthly meeting earlier in February and expressed their interest in visiting some of the examples of excellence in reclamation possibly this summer.
West Elk Mine, Mountain Coal Company, LLC
Colowyo Mine, Colowyo Coal Company L.P.
Twentymile Mine, Peabody
Dave Stoffle, Colowyo Mine, Colowyo Coal Company L.P.
Marty Jackson, Jr., Colowyo Mine, Colowyo Coal Company L.P.
Robert Bollman, Foidel Creek Mine, Twentymile Coal, LLC
> Concrete Trolley System for Concreting Sonotubes in Underground Beltline
Ty Hiatt & Team, West Elk Mine, Mountain Coal Company, LLC
> Catwalk and Stairs Added in Coal Prep Plant
Will Olson, West Elk Mine, Mountain Coal Company, LLC
> Task Training Videos
West Elk Mine, Mountain Coal Company, LLC
EXCELLENCE IN MINING RECLAMATION – Advanced Technology or Attempted Technology to Improve the Reclamation Process
Colowyo Mine, Colowyo Coal Company
David Bieber
2022 President’s Award
Our annual awards lunch serves as an excellent opportunity to recognize significant achievements in safety and reclamation, but it also gives a chance to recognize other significant accomplishments or recognition of members or staff that make CMA special.
Chantell Johnson, Chair of CMA’s Water Quality Committee received President’s Award from CMA President Stan Dempsey, Jr.
Chantell Johnson, Water & Remediation Manager for Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc., chairs CMA’s Water Quality Committee and received the CMA President’s Award. The award recognizes outstanding leadership to CMA, and to the President.
Managing an Association is a group task, and when it comes to managing the various policy issues, CMA relies on the expertise and experience our members can provide. Throughout CMA’s history, we’ve had numerous members who led committees, or other CMA initiatives which are strengthened by excellent leadership.
I chose to recognize Chantell for her excellent leadership of CMA’s Water Quality Committee, one of CMA’s most active committees. Chantell is excellent at preparing Committee agenda’s, inviting guest speakers (including CMA’s professional members such as environmental consultants and lawyers) to cover technical water quality topics. One initiative of note was the Committee’s project to conduct a literature review of existing scientific data pertaining to aluminum which was shared with participants in the Water Quality Forum’s workgroup.
Please congratulate Chantell for her award, and please realize that the award is intended to not only recognize current volunteer leaders in CMA, but an opportunity to encourage if not recruit individuals to take on additional leadership roles in CMA.
Thank you, Stephanie!
We wish Stephanie Shark all the best in her future endeavors and thank her for nearly six years of service to CMA and Colorado’s mining industry.
Stephanie resigned from her full-time position in November, as she assumed her new full-time position. Fortunately, she worked part-time through the conference to ensure the success of CMA’s 2023 conference.
Thanks also to Original Creations for ensuring arrival of Stephanie’s award the day prior to the Awards luncheon!