September 21, 2021
- DRMS Update: Ginny Brannon announced the names of the Governor’s appointments to the Mine Land Reclamation Board. Those are Jill Nelson, Patrick Ortiz, and Anthony Lobato.
- Russ Means mentioned the Dawson Creek mine project and noted 200 objections have been received.
- Hardrock Rulemaking: DRMS intends to release a new draft of the proposed rules covering water quality and temporary cessation.
- Jim Stark announced DRMS finalized a new MOU with the Water Quality Control Division.
- Jill Nelson, a new Mine Land Reclamation Board appointee, was introduced.
- The Committee was updated about developments regarding Dredge and Fill.
- Kathy Welt solicited feedback from coal committee members regarding the use of silt by agencies in inspections.
- Poppy Staub announced her new position at Ouray Silver Mines.
- Howard Gebhart announced his retirement.