March 17, 2020
DRMS Report: Ginny Brannon, Director of the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety reported that due to the COVID-19 virus, many employees of the Division are working at home, but Division activities continue. Stan Dempsey asked the Division about Park County’s recent promulgation of hardrock mining regulations. CMA will review the regulations and identify any issues with DRMS.
The committee briefly discussed the DRMS Hardrock rulemaking. CMA has convened a working group to address both the Division’s intent to implement new water quality requirements for mining as defined in House Bill 1113 adopted in 2019. CMA is also addressing potential changes to the rules further defining Temporary Closure.
Dianna Orf provided a legislative report. Perhaps most important is the fact that the General Assembly will not meet until at least mid-April due to the COVID-19 virus, at which legislators may have more limited opportunities to pass legislation beyond the state budget and the school finance bill.