Education Foundation Update

June is here and we are going to miss our in-person All About Mining class again this year due to the lingering impact of the pandemic. Things are just not yet “normal”, so we will set our sights on June, 2022.

Meanwhile, I was thinking about some of our past courses and the really interesting teachers I have had the pleasure to share the experience of All About Mining with. From kindergarten to high school, all of them have been inquisitive, willing and ready for this adventure. Always so much to learn from each other, I am anxious for this year to fly by so we can start again!

You can always view our lectures and take advantage of our new “Mining for a STEAM Education” at any time. Both of these courses are available for free to anyone who would like to view them at If you know of a teacher looking for great STEAM content online, or continuing education credits, please send them our way.

Don’t forget, we have made it easier than ever to support us; our new secure donation portal accepts credit cards and is located here, and you can also support us by using, choosing Colorado Mining Association Education Foundation as your charity. Amazon donates a small portion of your purchases directly to CMAEF, which we use to bring All About Mining/Mining for a STEAM Education to K-12 educators.

If you would like to know more about us, or get involved in our exciting educational mission, please contact me by email.

Shannon Mann
Course Coordinator – Colorado Mining Association Education Foundation